Sunday, May 2, 2010

Crysis - Final

In my screenshots, I used a picturesque quality to the pictures to give them a painting-like quality to them.

This is a view of the environment, I attempted to merge the landforms together with the structures, by using the landforms to connect the ramps to the meeting place. This screenshot captures the basic landforms of our world, our most basic habitat, as Stephen Hawking said, "For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals."

This is Stephen Hawking's lab, one of the most brilliant mind in the history of mankind. Bounded by his physical disability, his mind is completely free and unrestricted, thus able to see past normal boundaries of science and physics. This is symbolised by the boundless ocean.

This is the Charles Darwin lab, I used a more mass based structure for his lab. I chose a higher altitude for his lab to reflect on his most famed theory, "let the strongest live and the weakest die"

This is the meeting place of the two labs. As seen in the electroliquid aggregation, they have both theorised in the evolution of mankind. This structure symbolises the beacon of light and pinnacle of knowledge that guides the evolution of humans.

This is the ramp that leads up to Charles Darwin's lab, as Shaowen said, ramp represents a journey. I used this ramp to represent the harsh but natural law that Charles Darwin theories in his book "origin of species", the source of my quote for Charles Darwin, the law of natural selection. Only the strongest can survive and be selected by nature, while the weakest will be extinct by the harshness of their habitat.

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